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Welcome To Evidence Family Chapel

Because we are Evidence We are Blessed and Highly Favored.

Come Fellowship With Us

Sunday 11am - 1:00pm


You are cordially invited to Evidence Family Chapel in Toronto (CA). As we share with you the good things the Lord is doing among us, we pray that He will bless you.

At Evidence Family Chapel in Toronto, California, we firmly believe that each and every person is given a destiny by God, a magnificent goal to achieve in life. Getting to know God through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, is the first step. You can find that purpose once your life is secure in His hands and start working toward fulfilling it with His strength and power. A sense of destiny has been lost by the majority of people in our increasingly humanistic society. You did not evolve; you were made by God.

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Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $49.00.

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0 out of 5
Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $49.00.

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0 out of 5
Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $49.00.

Product Short Name

0 out of 5
Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $49.00.